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The Watchers
- The world of old in its orbit moving
- Chanced to pass (if there's chance at all)
- Near to the path of two Spirits' roving,
- Who stood and looked at the large green ball.
- Morning flashed upon tusk and pinion,
- Tooth and talon, of tribes at war.
- "Who, we wonder, will win dominion?
- Which will rule in the little star?"
- Little scope there appeared for wonder:
- The mammoth strode from the forest's dusk.
- Who but he, with his hooves of thunder?
- Who but he, with his lightning tusk?
- Yet there seemed in his monstrous striding,
- Heaving weight and enormous ears,
- Something gross. So, before deciding,
- "Come again in a million years."
- Through the vault where the stars are sprinkled
- Ages passed from the world away.
- All of that time Orion twinkled:
- Nothing changed in the Milky Way.
- Again they stood where the world was rolling,
- Again they watched, and saw, this time, Man,
- Heard the roar of his engines coaling,
- Scanned his cities to guess his plan,
- Peered through clouds that his smoke turned sour,
- Even spied on his hopes and fears.
- "Yes," they said, "he has surely power.
- But come again in a million years."